Admissions open for Wonder Years Play School , 27 MAR 24 Will be the last date for submission of form Vacancy for the post of School IN-Charge, Special Educator, NTT, Clerk Cum Accounts Asst & MTS.

Instructions for Parents

  • Wonder Years Play School

General Information for Parents/ Guardians

We strongly believe that a child will develop better if there is an effective partnership between the Parents & the School.


  • A progress report/Individual record of the child is issued to the Parents/Guardian to enable him/her to know the progress of the child. He/ She is to sign and return it ,except in March , when it maybe retained by the parents.
  • Parents are requested to see that their wards come to school regularly and punctually.
  • Encourage your ward to cultivate the habit of neatness.
  • Parents/Guardians/Visitors are not allowed to walk into the class rooms or to meet teachers during the school hours.
  • They should seek permission from Headmistress to visit class room if required during visiting hours. Meeting with the teachers will be arranged by the Headmistress.
  • The habit of self help in work and study should be encouraged.
  • Absence of your child from school for attending social function should be discouraged.
  • If the child is required back at home urgently for any reason during school hours, the escort should have a written note from parents with signatures & inform school authorities telephonically .
  • Any special tendency noted in the child should be brought to the notice of school authorities at the earliest.
  • The child should be encouraged to cultivate a feeling of respect for Teachers & elders.
  • Child shouldn’t be sent to school if suffering from any infectious disease .Leave application must reach the school.
  • You must be proud of your child if you care for him/her.

Parents Teachers Meetings are organised once in a month .Last working day of every month will be observed as "Parents Teachers Meeting Day" between 0900 hrs and 1100 hrs. Parents may discuss the problems And progress of their children with teachers. Suggestions for improvement in school may be given in writing to Headmistress/School In-charge of the school. Parent Teacher Meetings inculcate a sense of participation in the parents. Student Portfolio is maintained by Class Teacher and shown every month end to the Parents /Guardians. Parents are welcomed as partners in the Learning Process. So every month one Parent Representative must come forward with a presentation/Talk/Session /Story or Games for young toddlers. We welcome all professionals to spare their valuable time for our toddlers. An Interactive WhatsApp group is made with the aim to share the progress of children with the Parents.

Happy Parents