Admissions open for Wonder Years Play School , 27 MAR 24 Will be the last date for submission of form Vacancy for the post of School IN-Charge, Special Educator, NTT, Clerk Cum Accounts Asst & MTS.



Photo Gallery

  • September Month Ptm

  • Thumb Printing Activity

  • Eid Celebration

  • Pin Prick Activity

  • Hindi Recitation

  • Teachers Day Celebration

  • Special Assembly On Animal Care

  • Air Activity

  • Worksheet 'K'

  • Puppet Show

  • Ganesh Chatturthi

  • Grandparents Day Celebration

  • Rectangle Shape Food Day

  • Sowing Herbs Seeds Activity

  • Hindi Recitation

  • Worksheet 'M'

  • Puppet Show

  • Adding And Creating Activity

  • Healthy Food vs Junk Food

  • Mopping Activity

  • Story Time The Blue Parrot

  • Visit To Library

  • Mopping Activity

  • Water Play Activity

  • Adding And Creating Activity

  • Cutting Activity

  • Best Out Of Waste Activity

  • Balloon Printing Activity

  • Blue Colour Day Celebration

  • Janamashtmi Celebration

  • GoldiLock And Three Bear

  • Balloon Printing Activity

  • World Photography Day

  • Blow Painting Activity

  • Blow Painting Activity

  • Stamping Activity